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April 2, 2015
Beaverton Library
Local Author Book Fair

Get to know 27 Oregon authors, including me, at the Beaverton Library Local Author Book Fair.

Please come talk with us and buy our books from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on April 25 at the Beaverton City Library, 12375 SW 5th, Beaverton, OR.
Bear the Pall
Two of the poems dedicated to my father -- "The Master Gardener" and "The Urn" -- appear in Bear the Pall: Stories & Poems about the Loss of a Parent.

In Bear the Pall: Stories & Poems about the Loss of a Parent, twenty-three writers and poets share their experiences with open hearts and better understanding about what is means to bear the pall of their own lost parents.

Volume Discounts
You can now purchase print books at discounted rates. Purchase two or more print books and receive a five percent discount, five or more print books will get you a 10 percent discount, and purchase 10 or more print books to receive a 15 percent discount. And, if you purchase two or more books you can have each one personally autographed.