Creativity and Disability--
Advocacy and Resistance Poetry
Sara Watkins, Spoonie Press founder and editor in chief, read
What Color is Your Privilege? and asked some really insightful questions. Find my in-depth responses in the October 5 issue of
Spoonie Mag, the Spoonie Press weekly digital magazine.
Spoonie Press -- a supportive space for disabled, chronically ill, and neurodiverse people -- supports disability advocacy in publishing and the arts.
"Explaining the Hashtags"
and "America the Beautiful"
POETiCA REViEW included two of my political poems,
Explaining the Hashtags and America the Beautiful (both of which also appear in
What Color is Your Privilege?), in its Autumn 2022 issue.
POETiCA REViEW offers a "pluriverse of poetic possibilies. For the many, not just the few" with a mission "to give voice to the myriad of disparate voices within the artistic community, locally, and internationally, regardless of notoriety, or who is currently favoured by this or that magazine."
"The Trick Is To Keep Breathing"
The Trick Is To Keep Breathing: Covid 19 Stories From African and North American Writers, Vol 3 features two essays, five stories, and 64 poems from 32 North American and African poets, writers, and academicians. It includes three of the poems I wrote about the politics of COVID-19: "Disruptions", "Eugenics", and "Blame Not the Virus".
The Trick Is To Keep Breathing: Covid 19 Stories From African and North American Writers, Vol 3, writers from the USA, Canada, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, The Gambia, Ghana, Malawi, and more tell stories of humanity, resilience, triumph, pain, anger, grief, and loss incurred as they dealt with Covid 19 and its several mutations over the past almost three years.