Poetry Broadsides
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Gold Man Review first published "Conversations with My Mother's Purse" in November, 2011. Also available in Food ♦ Family ♦ Friends, May 2017.
"Signs of the Times" first appeared on Humdinger Literary E-zine in May 2006. Also available in Pairs of Poems in September 2008.
"The Urn" appeared in Bear the Pall: Stories & Poems about the Loss of a Parent, published in April, 2015 and in my collection, Food ♦ Family ♦ Friends.
The fourth annual Parks & Points & Poetry 2020 poetry series included my poem "Human Concerns", which contrasts pandemic panic with swampland serenity.
"Master Gardener" appeared in Bear the Pall: Stories & Poems about the Loss of a Parent, published in April, 2015 and in my collection, Food ♦ Family ♦ Friends.
"In The Irish Countryside" appeared in the inaugural issue of Gold Man Review literary magazine which launched in November of 2011.
"Armed" published in Issue 5.2 of Star 82 Review, an art and literature online and print magazine, and on page 18 of the September 8, 2017 issue of Pink Panther Magazine, which provides a multicultural atmosphere that focuses on today's women's issues.
"Shower Notes", from half of one pairing of poems about similar topics written in different moods at different points in time, included in Pairs of Poems. A collection of 44 poems, Pairs of Poems offers a variety of perspectives on subjects as diverse as nature, love, history, and politics, examining various facets of our relationships with the world and the people around us. "This collection is the candid record of a seasoned writer" -- Oregon Poet Laureate Emerita Paulann Petersen.
"Essential Services", included, along with "Normal Life", in CHAOS A Poetry Vortex -- an eclectic, eccentric, and unique collection of works by 104 poets -- and with "Normal Life" and "Times that Try" in the winter issue of The BeZine.
"Cycle of Life" appeared in the debut issue of Icarus Down Review, a monthly ebook publication dedicated to writers who like to aim a little higher and shoot a little farther. Also available in Food ♦ Family ♦ Friends.
"Obsession", from half of one pairing of poems about similar topics written in different moods at different points in time, included in Pairs of Poems. A collection of 44 poems, Pairs of Poems offers a variety of perspectives on subjects as diverse as nature, love, history, and politics. "This collection is the candid record of a seasoned writer" -- Oregon Poet Laureate Emerita Paulann Petersen.
"Romance", from half of one pairing of poems about similar topics written in different moods at different points in time, included in Pairs of Poems which offers different perspectives on subjects as diverse as nature, love, history, and politics. A collection of 44 poems, Pairs of Poems examines various facets of our relationships with the world and the people around us.
"Ode to Chocolate" first published by A Quiet Courage, a journal of microfiction and poetry in 100 words or less and included in my collection Food ♦ Family ♦ Friends.
"Full House", included in Green Is The Color Of Winter, a fundraising project for SMART: Start Making A Reader Today, reprinted by Vitamin ZZZ in the Spring 2019 edition, "Family Bed".
"State Park" appeared in Green Is The Color Of Winter, a fundraising project for SMART: Start Making A Reader Today. Photo taken at Tryon Creek State Natural Area.
"Intervention", first published on The Blue Hour Magazine, an art and literary magazine. Also available in Food ♦ Family ♦ Friends.
First published on Long Story Short, a magazine for writers. Also available in Food ♦ Family ♦ Friends.
"Dawn Stroll" included in In Our Own Voices, an Oregon Writers Colony collection of fifty works by members. Also appears in Pairs of Poems.